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Be impeccable with your word. Don’t take anything personally. Do your best.

elite realty | moving people forward
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elite realty | moving people forward
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”I believe there are a lot of things we can’t explain in this world. It doesn’t mean they don’t exist. Be open to experiencing that which you don’t understand. Learn more about yourself by learning more about God. Don’t walk alone! Walk with me. My journey is my own as your journey is your own. Still, we can walk together. Let us improve the quality of our lives with love, forgiveness, openness to failure, and by always, always moving forward.
"I walk through the garden alone, while the dew is still on the roses..." Cherish your alone and cherish our silence. It's when you're silent we can pray and when it's quiet, we can truly listen. God hears our prayers. I am praying for you right now! Yes, you! "God, you know the needs of your children. May you bless they eyes who see these words, the ears who might hear your call, and clarity of mind to know the way." -amen
• “Be anxious for nothing -Apostle Paul
• “Behind the frantic expressions on the faces of humanity is unresolved regret -Unknown
• “It is not God’s will that you lead a life of perpetual anxiety. It is not his will that you face every day with dread and trepidation. He made you for more than life of breath-steaming angst and mind-splitting worry. He has a new chapter for your life. And he’s ready to write it -Max Lucado
• “Death may have separated your physical body from my life but love never dies -Unknown
• “Let them see Jesus -David McCullough
• “The corner of your smile is the cornerstone of my soul -Sondra Rankin
• "Worrying is like a rocking chair. You can rock like crazy all day long but at night, you haven't gained an inch." -Niki Matlock
• "If I was any better, I'd be a twin." -Mike Falconite
*When in doubt, pray." -Sondra Rankin
”We have one lap, one circle, a start and a finish line. Use the in-between journey wisely. Choose your steps, your speed, your relationships, and your priorities wisely. A line is drawn, you’ll get there. Be prepared day by day. Sometimes we get a warning, most often we don’t. Let your heart, soul, and mind be at peace. choose happy, no regrets. Never let the sun go down angry with your neighbor. Live each breath, God willing we have lungs to breathe, if it were your last. Take each second God willing, as if you know the next second might change the entire course of your life. One second can take a life. Give more than you take. Work hard because it’s good for you; mind, body, and soul. Don't work for money, but never love money. Appreciate and respect how little or how great God so provides and God always supplies our need. as needed. God grant us time and peace..” -Sondra Rankin
Daily Three - Read with ME!
We believe the Holy Bible should be You, pages should be turned, and Words should come alive! Three scriptures are posted on our page daily to read. Hold the book. Turn the pages. Find your quiet space and time for a few moments with the Lord.
When we post the #dailythree, we encourage you to read the three from your Bible. If anybody needs a bible, direct message us and we will get an NIV version to you or someone you know.
Thoughts of the day? Scripture? Work? Real Estate? Life Lessons. Events. My whole heart?Recipes. All things hunting and fishing. My story unfolds and changed like the wind. So much can happen in a year! Life can change in the blink of an eye. Guard your heart and let God light your path. Growth comes in seasons and in pain. The more pain, the greater the growth. The longer the season, the greater the lesson.
Can you share your story?
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ELITE REALTY - "You've worked hard your whole life to make a statement about yourself, your beliefs, and who you want to become – don't settle. With value, individuality, ethic, and experience; I will deliver results with integrity and efficiency."
":Meet Sondra Rankin, a REALTOR® and sales agent with ELITE REALTY of Paducah, actively listing and assisting clients purchase in Paducah and Western Kentucky. A community native, Sondra is extremely knowledgeable of the local real estate market aid surrounding areas and counties."
Buying or Selling Real Estate? Check out these 'go-to' free-to-you guides! Call if you any questions, buying or selling your home, anytime.
DIRECT: 615-400-7351
Copyright © 2019 sondra rankin All Rights Reserved. No photos or content may be used without expressed written consent 🌿 | text 615.400.7351 to connect
go with your gut, go with God, never stop going